Our Services
Eintouch provides full service email marketing, mobile marketing and social media marketing.
Our Professional
Eintouch strength lies in our roots as a professional email marketing agency. Over the past few years we have expanded our email marketing services to include mobile and social features that are providing even greater return-on-investment to our already powerful email marketing program.
Professional Services and Solutions
Eintouch's services and solutions are designed to meet your specific needs, whether you are a small restaurant or retail outlet, a medium sized franchise, or a large chain. Learn more about how Eintouch can help your business grow by reviewing our different services.
Use email marketing to generate new sales leads, increase web traffic, retain customers, build your brand, and inform your subscribers of what is happening with your business. Our leading full service program saves you time while providing immediate and measurable results.
We have refined our email marketing services in the restaurant industry and are one of the best full service programs. Our experience in the food service industry as well as our integration with point-of-sale hardware makes us the best choice for your restaurant. Our Intouchdining brand that we were originally founded as covers all of a restaurants email marketing needs.
Our services have recently expanded to cover delivery of text messages and voice broadcasts to targeted mobile consumers. We provide an array of turn-key mobile solutions and can customize our services to meet all of your mobile needs..
Social media is making a positive impact in the consumer and business segments of the market. We recently have made updates to our services that make it easy for subscribers to share content on various social media sites. In addition to included social media sharing features in our mailers Eintouch offers a robust set of social media services to connect your business and engage your visitors.