Privacy and Permission

Eintouch strives to provide a valuable marketing tool, which enables our clients to send emails to their customers who enroll to receive it. Only customers who choose to receive this information will be enrolled and a customer may easily unsubscribe at any time if they no longer wish to receive this type of information. At no time will our client’s names or information, or their customer lists and information be distributed, rented or sold to any third party.


Eintouch utilizes the latest technology to ensure all aspects of a client’s interaction with or use of our site and services remains secure and free from unwanted distribution of private and sensitive information. Eintouch also utilizes hardware and software tools to ensure all customer information is secure and held in strict confidence within Eintouch.

Permission - Based Marketing

Eintouch was founded upon and adheres to all philosophies of permission – based marketing. Our clients, when purchasing our services, also agree to adhere to and abide by these philosophies. Any customer lists gathered externally from our system are highly scrutinized for integrity and validity. Any customer found in violation of our permission – based policies and guidelines is dealt with immediately.

Eintouch monitors and logs all complaints and routinely analyzes our client history to check for compliance. If you feel you have received unsolicited information from our service or one of our clients, please forward the email to

Privacy Information

Eintouch corporate policies and philosophies mandate and insure all client’s information and their customer’s information and content remain confidential at all times. We continue to review and implement internal programs to ensure our policies are strictly followed.

By enrolling in one of our client’s permission – based marketing programs, you are allowing that client and only that client to send email information to you. Your name, email address, and any other information you provide will remain confidential and only be used by that client and through Eintouch services. Eintouch will never distribute, rent, or sell any of our client’s or their customer’s information to any third party.